Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Kerala Gramin Bank Recruitment of 683 Posts

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Kerala Gramin Bank Recruitment of 683 Posts  :KERALA GRAMIN BANK (KGB) invites online applications for the posts of Officers in Junior Management Scale I (Assistant Managers) and Office Assistants (Multipurpose) Cadres from Indian citizens who have been declared qualified at the Online CWE for RRBs conducted by IBPS during September/ October 2013. For more details please checkout below.
Important Dates:
Payment of Application fee: 23rd July 2014 to 11th August 2014
Online Application Registration Starts from : 23rd July 2014
Online Application Registration Last Date: 11th August 2014

Vacancies Details:
Office Junior Management Scale-I (Assistant Manager): 253 posts
Office Assistant (Multipurpose) : 430 Posts

Educational Details:
Candidates should possess Bachelor Degree of a recognised University in any discipline or its equivalent with Proficiency in Local Language & Computer knowledge or awareness.

Age Limit & Pay scale :
Office Junior Management Scale-I (Assistant Manager): Age limit must be above 18 years to 28years. i.e He/she should not have been born earlier than 03-07-1985 and later than 30-06-1995

 Rs.29,580/- per month  inclusive of DA and HRA at the current rate

Office Assistant (Multipurpose) : Age limit must be above 18 years to 28 years

i.e., candidates should not have been born earlier than 02-07-1985 and later than 01-07-1995

: Rs.16,360/- per month  inclusive of DA and HRA at the current rate

Age Relaxation is applicable for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD/ EXS candidates.

IBPS Score:

Sl no Name of the Post SC/ ST/ SC-PWD/
1. Office Assistant (Multipurpose) 88 & above 95 & above
2. Officer Junior Management
Scale-I (Assistant Manager)
95 & above 98 & above

Application Fee:

Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PWD/EXS Candidates
Rs.100/- for all others
Application Fee can be paid on any day between 23-07-2014 and 11-08-2014
(both dates inclusive)
Application Fee may be paid through CBS (Core Banking System) at any of the branches of either Kerala Gramin Bank or Canara Bank by means of a payment Challan

Down load one of the Challan Format

Detail Notification
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