Monday, 15 September 2014

BMRC recruitment 2014- 480 Train Operator & Maintainer

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BMRC recruitment 2014: Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (BMRC) are invites online application from eligible Indian nationals for the recruitment of 480 Train Operator & Maintainer. applicants can apply on before from 12th September 2014 to 13th October 2014. 

Vacancies Details:
Maintainer (Residual Parent Cadre Local Cadre): 350 Jobs
1. Matriculation plus two years ITI in Electrician / Instrument Mechanic / Mechanic Radio and TV / Electronics Mechanics / Wireman / Fiter / Mechanic Computer Hardware / Mechanic –Industrial Electronics / Information Technology & Electronics System Maintenance / Mech. Communication Equipment Maintenance, Masonry, Carpentry, Building or equivalent qualification.
2. Age limit should be 35 years for General Manager, 40 years for SC/ST, 38 years for Ia, Ib, Ia and Ib & 50 years for Ex-Serviceman as on 30th June 2014.
3. Eligible Candidates will be get Rs.10170-18500/- pay scale per month.

Train Operator (Residual Parent Cadre Local Cadre): 130 Jobs
1. Matriculation plus three years Diploma in Electrical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Telecommunications / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electrical power Systems / Industrial Electronics / Mechanical Engineering or equivalent qualification .
2. Age limit should be 35 years for General Manager, 40 years for SC/ST, 38 years for Ia, Ib, Ia and Ib & 50 years for Ex-Serviceman as on 30th June 2014.
3. Eligible Candidates will be get Rs.14000-26950/- pay scale per month.

Application Fee: Reserved candidates (ST/SC) have to pay RS.200/- and others have to pay Rs 5000 through challan.

Selection Method: Written examination and Medical Test.

How to Apply: Eligible applicants can apply through BMRC official website by online before from 12th September 2014 to 13th October 2014. For more details please checkout notification file.  

Detailed Notification
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